Quick Humor Survey
Quick Humor Survey
How funny is your current content or messaging?
Hilarious—I get standing ovations from my inbox
Decent—Some chuckles, but not many standing ovations
Meh—Even my cat ignores it
Painful—I avoid reading my own stuff
What’s your biggest hesitation about using humor professionally?
Afraid I'll offend someone
Worried I'll look unprofessional
I'm about as funny as an accounting audit
No hesitation—just lazy
What would motivate you to add more humor to your content?
More engagement (clicks, shares, likes)
Reducing stress (for me and others)
Standing out from competitors
Being able to stop taking myself so damn seriously
What’s your attitude toward AI-generated content?
Love it! AI does half my job (and sometimes better)
Useful, but sounds like an insurance brochure
A bit creepy, but occasionally handy
It's digital tofu—bland, boring, needs flavor
If you had an easy, zero-risk way to humorize your content, would you test-drive it (for free)?
Yes, sign me up!
Maybe, if it’s quick and painless
Not sure, convince me
No, I prefer boredom
First Name
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